Decision Schedule
and forecasts can be implemented gradually, increasing the number and
complexity of the decisions as the simulation progresses, quarter after
quarter. The following is a tentative decision schedule: The first decision
usually encompasses projecting short-term funding needs. The second decision
requires projecting earnings; the third one, deciding on whether to use trade
credit or a loan. The fourth decision requires participant to decided
extending cash discounts for prompt payment. Up to this round of decisions,
production and marketing decisions have been automatic to allow students to
concentrate on short-term funding decisions. Decisions have also been
cumulative: once a decision is required or allowed in a certain quarter, it is
required or allowed in the following quarters. The fifth decision is about
setting production orders under uncertain sales conditions. The sixth one
allows participants to consider replacing equipment with different costs and productivity. This requires decisions that will have
long-term effects. Students are allowed to make any decision in the following
quarters including pricing and setting promotional expenditures.
Performance Evaluation
Teams are assigned points depending on their
forecasts accuracy and ROE. For the long-term decisions, like replacing assets,
the program assigns points depending on NPV analysis conducted by the program.
Final Note
has been developed by Fernando E. Arellano. He holds an MS degree in Business Finance and a Ph.D. in Economics from Colorado State University. He has also developed VALUATIONSIM - A Corporate Valuation simulation, MANECSIM - A Managerial Economics Simulation and BANKMAN - A Bank management
Simulation, the latter, with the late Dr. Richard D. Johnson. Dr. Arellano has taught at Colorado State University while pursuing his doctoral degree (1990-1993), Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey in Mexico (1993-1996), at Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and Centrum - Catholic University of Peru, both in Lima Peru (1997-2000), and at University of Dallas in Dallas (2001-2020). He is currently retired, but still teaches a Valuation course online as an adjunct professor for Southeastern Oklahoma State University.